From now on, admissions are done exclusively in a dematerialized way
Admissions to Sem - Back to school 2024
Information : From now on, admissions are done exclusively in a dematerialized way
Follow the instructions and perform the steps as mentioned below:
- Click on the “Admission Application” button,
- Before entering, choose the desired class (bottom right), the list of documents to attach appears
- Prepare all the documents (download the questionnaire, fill it in, save it in pdf)
- You are now ready to submit your registration request.
- Attach the requested parts.
- Download the RIB allowing you to transfer the processing fee of €30.
- Click send
- Make the transfer
- Your file will be reviewed within 15 days. You will then be contacted by the student secretary.
It is essential to send the documents in a single shipment, otherwise the whole procedure will have to be repeated.
Only complete applications will be considered.