Our History
Originally, the purpose of the Sem was to help young people mature in their priestly vocation.
The Domaine du Sem is located on the site of a former Benedictine abbey of which the parish church of Walbourg remains the prestigious witness.
It was indeed in 1946 that the castle and the park were purchased by the Bishopric of Strasbourg.
Since then, the establishment has evolved. From a Minor Seminary, it became a Youth Seminary and today the Sem’ Episcopal College of Walbourg.
It thus regains its place among the 4 episcopal educational establishments (Saint-Étienne in Strasbourg, Saint-André in Colmar and Zillisheim).
Episcopal establishment, what is it?
Under the direct supervision of the archbishop, the Episcopal College Sem’ of Walbourg is a Catholic educational institution associated with the State by contract.
It carries out its educational mission within the diocesan Church, in accordance with the statute of Catholic Education adopted by the Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Bishops of France on April 18, 2013 and amended on November 7, 2018.
As an episcopal college, it is placed under the direct supervision of the Archbishop of Strasbourg, who has surrounded himself with a Supervisory Council close to the Bishop, led by the Diocesan Director of Catholic Education in Alsace. , under the presidency of its referent Bishop.
Its educational project aims to form students in fidelity to the Gospel. It affirms the spiritual dimension of the person and commits the educational community to offering everyone the opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ.
Pastoral and solidarity
Living the gospel in all school activities

To offer everyone the possibility of discovering Christ

Propose tools and activities to grow in faith

Involve the establishment in solidarity actions